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How To Know If You Are A Shaman

ceremony shamanism Oct 08, 2023

What is a Shaman?

A Shaman is the bridge between this world & the next. The connection our our ancestors, Mother Earth & our true nature.

Shamans come from all parts of the world. Every indigenous culture has shamans. And guess what? They all share similar teachings, traditions & upbringings.

My particularly blood line & lineage is from Perú.

Here are 5 Tell Tale Signs you are a Shaman:


1) You’ve had multiple dark nights of the soul.

First of all - this is not for the faint of heart.

We have been to hell & back. Many times.

We know the deepest depths of hell & the brightest gates of Heaven.

We guide others - because we have traveled this journey - many times.


2) You have a strong connection to Mother Earth & our ancestry.

We honor the ancestors & everything they have been through.

Every triumph, every glorious moment & every challenge.

We are old, old souls. We remember our history - our people.

We share stories & seek wisdom from life all around us - the trees, the birds, the sun & the moon.

We love Pachamama, Mother Earth.

She gives us life. She nurtures us, breathes life into us & is so dear to our hearts.

We are grateful & call the ancestors & elements into each ceremony.


3) You had a “mysterious” illness.

We all have had a hell of a health journey.

Whether it is autoimmune, “undiagnosable” or unexplainable - we had it.

And this is 100% a part of the dark night inititaion.

It starts when we are kids. And nobody knows what is going on.

We try this & we try that. We meet many teachers & alternative medicines.

We have a whole journey of coming back to self.

We learn to heal ourselves - on our own terms.


4) You were bedridden or lost your ability to walk.

We all have a moment when everything is lost. When we have to completely surrender.

In the peak of my “illness,” I couldn’t walk.

It took many months - & years - of physical therapy, yoga, detoxing, breath work, plant medicine, etc. to get back to me.

To let go of all the shit that got me there in the first place.

It’s like everything has to be taken away from you - to heal yourself & be able to guide others.

When you can’t walk - your autonomy, freedom & independence are gone.

And we often rely on that to get us through life. Part of our ego & mask that we wear.

When really - life takes care of us. Pachamama takes care of us.

Dependence, stillness, & immobility are not a bad thing.

In fact, they can be super healing & nourishing.


5) You feel safe & called to plant medicine.

We love plant medicine. We love the trees, the grass, the jungle, the rain.

We love warm tea, fresh salads, seasonings & tinctures. We love cacao butter, cacao & chamomile.

We love Huachuma, Ayahuasca & Magic Mushrooms. Blue Lotus, Mapacho & Rapéh.

We feel safe to go into ceremony alone.

We have no fear because these master plats are calling to us for a reason - we already have everything we need to see it through.

Our dark-night, near death, bedridden, journey led us exactly to this moment.

And we know this is an initiation into what we’ve be destined to do.

We surround ourselves with the vitality & healing vibes of fruit, house plants, fresh herbs & the garden.

We live off the land, honor the land & embrace the sweetest Mother that she is.


If you’ve read through this & feeing this in your core - guess what?

You are in-fact a Shaman.


Shamans’s come from all parts of the Earth & all walks of life.

My family comes from Perú. Callao, Lima, Arequipa y Cuszo.

We are ancient, ancient healers. A hybrid of galactic & Earth wisdom.

The red & white mushroom 🍄 from Mario Kart is from Northern Europe!

Huachuma (San Pedro) cactus grows in Perú & South American - also Central & North America!

In Africa, Shamans sit with master plants like Iboga, Voacanga & Ubulawu.


Check out this blog post about “Calling in The Four Directions.” It's really popular!

My podcast is super helpful as well as my Library of Resources.


Love you long time,

Lots of love,

Anna Ortiz-Aragon

CEO & Founder of Align With Anna & The Pachamama Shift, a 501(c)3 organization.

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